so i survived my first day...not that it was hard by any means as it gives out such a positive vibe and everyone on board has a great positive attitude towards their job and towards Blockout Blinds.
i believe the more we can learn and the more we immerse ourselves in our jobs, family life and hobbies, the more we absorb and the more we can be and do.
you need that great work/life balance to achieve greater things in life and if you're not something about it!
life is where you allow it to take you and if you don't like jumping out of your comfort zone every now and then, how can you take the risks needed to succeed?!
many years ago i learnt what going the extra mile was all about in my early teens i started using this approach quite naturally as it seems to be part of my genetic makeup and have lived by it every single day of my since. being a people person, gravitating to those less fortunate, supporting those that need it...whether they put there hand up or hand out, always wanting to give back to my community whether it's online or on the street.
life for me is important, it happens quickly and it faces challenges often. life is short and it does not discriminate but in one life time you can achieve a lot and so much more.
so on to my next topic...designing!
first up if you didn't get geekgirl designs latest newsletter then you.are.missing.out
there are always freebies attached to my newsletters. sooooo if you haven't signed up then you should.
link here
and for those that have, i hope you've enjoyed the freebies
next on the blog list is my latest Commercial Use products and Paper Weights and Pistachio Pink. just click each image and it will redirect you to it's place in MyMemories Store
oh and you're not seeing make my life a little easier as i sell in several shops, placement of logo and name is now on the bottom of each preview
well that's about it ladies and gents so subscribe to the newsletter and enjoy. BTW when subscribing you'll receive an email with a freebie link just for subscribing. have fun!
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